Promote diversity and inclusion

diversity and inclusion, an asset for the company

Because diversity and inclusion are contributing factors to performance, innovation and wealth, Legrand has focused on ways to promote them for many years.

Our ambition

Legrand’s ambition is to be recognised as a leading player in the area of inclusiveness, embracing and promoting all types of difference.

«Inclusion and diversity are long-term performance markers. A company that is inclusive and committed to diversity is able to attract and retain the talents and skills it needs.»


Chief Diversity Officer

Fighting against all forms of discrimination

Each Legrand entity is committed to the fight against all forms of discrimination, throughout the world. This commitment includes respect for workplace equality, ethnic representation, integration of people with disabilities, intergenerational collaboration, social and cultural diversity, and inclusion of LGBT+ people.

Encouraging gender-diversity at work

With a firm belief that workplace gender-diversity improves the performance of both employees and the company as a whole, Legrand promotes diversity throughout the company. It is the Group’s aim to guarantee equal employment conditions for women and men. It particularly promotes the hiring of women managers and their access to key positions in the company.

Promoting diversity in employee profiles

Because the company’s richness is based on its employees, Legrand seeks to diversify the profiles of the talents who support its growth. In particular, the Group aims to attract the young generations and offer them new opportunities.

Raising awareness among stakeholders

Legrand also works with its external stakeholders to publicise its commitments and discuss good practices related to the fight against discrimination and the promotion of diversity. In addition, the Group is pursuing a proactive approach to further open its panel to suppliers that work in the area of ‘Diversity & Inclusion’.

Find the complete 2022-2024 roadmap



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