Be a responsible business

Respecting and supporting all stakeholders

Acting as a responsible company means working for both internal and external stakeholders, while adopting exemplary behaviour and carrying out activities with the utmost respect for business ethics.

Our ambition

Throughout its value chain, Legrand aims to ensure the implementation of policies and good practices designed to respect employees, and be attentive to customers’ needs and expectations.

"A pioneer and leader on its market, Legrand favors the well-being of its stakeholders, in particular of its employees and clients. Legrand improves lives especially thanks to the 'Serenity On' welfare programme, which aims to offer to its employees around the world, a minimum social protection on parenthood, healthcare and death / disability."

Bénédicte BAHIER

Executive VP Human Resources

Promoting a work culture that respects and values each employee

The safety, health and well-being of teams in the workplace are priorities for Legrand. This includes reducing occupational risks, monitoring prevention and implementing a continuous improvement approach. Legrand is committed to respecting human rights in all countries where the Group operates and, where appropriate, to remedying any violation of employees' rights. In addition, the Group listens to the needs of all its employees, in particular through regular engagement surveys. Lastly, in order to guarantee business ethics through its Compliance programme, the Group is committed to training employees exposed to risky situations, so as to reduce the likelihood of offences related to competition law, corruption and money laundering. Legrand continues to support the fight against counterfeiting.

Improving lives by guaranteeing social protection

Throughout its history, Legrand has been committed to ensuring security and protection for each of its employees, to give them peace of mind at work. At the end of 2017, this commitment led to the launch of the Serenity On program,me a global initiative aimed at guaranteeing Group employees a minimum level of social protection, including parenthood, healthcare and death / disability, wherever they are.

Meeting the needs of external stakeholders

Customer satisfaction is a daily priority for Legrand. As partners of the Group, distributors, installers and end users are at the core of its concerns. To meet their needs and understand their expectations, the Group regularly measures the satisfaction of its customers around the world.

Legrand also aims to ensure responsible purchasing so that it can pursue a sustainable growth of its business. The Group therefore expects its suppliers and subcontractors to comply with the same standards of social and environmental responsibility as it does, and is committed to helping them make progress in this area.
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Furthermore, because electricity plays an essential role in development, Legrand considers that it has a responsibility to help as many people as possible access electricity. Through sponsorship, Legrand provides assistance to local communities in the fight against exclusion, loss of autonomy and energy poverty.
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Duty of care

The Duty of Care law, enacted in 2017, compels big companies to monitor their suppliers and subcontractors, making them responsible for their social and environmental policy. Legrand has kept ahead of the law by establishing a care plan in 2014, which concerns not only its own facilities, but also its value chain, on the themes of human rights and basic freedoms, health and safety of persons, and the environment. It includes a risk map, procedures for the evaluation of subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers, and alert mechanisms.


Ethics line: a specific system

An ethics alert system is in operation, which is accessible to all Group stakeholders in the event of problems involving accounting and/or financial matters, corruption, competition law, serious damage to the environment or the safety of people, unethical behaviour (discrimination and harassment), data protection, or a conflict of interest. The alerts can be sent to the Group Compliance Officer through the plateform:

As specified in the Group's Charter of Fundamental Principles, Legrand provides the whistle-blower with protection against reprisals. This means that no one can suffer reprisals, or threats of reprisals, because they have reported an ethics or fraud issue in good faith.

Information collected by all recipients of the report and the people concerned remain strictly confidential. Anyone involved in an alert has a right to access and correct data concerning them The data subjects (issuer of the alert, persons involved in the collection or processing of the alert, person who is the subject of an alert as a victim or alleged witness of the facts) may exercise their right of access by using the whistleblowing system or by post addressed to the Group Compliance Officer. By exercising this right, these people will not receive any data relating to third-parties.

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