Our commitments

Because diversity is a factor in performance, innovation, and quality of life within the company, Legrand has, for many years, placed an emphasis on ways of promoting diversity and inclusion. The fight against all forms of discrimination is the foundation of the Group’s Diversity and Inclusion policy. This is based on professional equality, ethnic diversity, the inclusion of disabled persons, and respect for gender differences.


With over 38,200 employees worldwide, Legrand keeps developing while paying particular attention to the working conditions of its employees and to its social responsibilities.


As a leading international player, and in line with our purpose of “Improving lives”, the Group has a duty to protect its employees, which may go beyond national legislation or market practices if these are below the level required.

On a global scale; the Group is committed to:

  • Respecting human rights and communities
  • Promoting equal opportunities and diversity
  • Implementing best practices in terms of health and safety at work
  • Developing its employees’ skills
  • Promoting mobility


An inclusive company

Encouraging diversity at work


Convinced that diversity is a source of wealth, Legrand wants to encourage diversity in all of its jobs. By 2030, the Group is aiming for gender equality in its workforce while having one third of the Group's key jobs occupied by women. To achieve this, increasing support is provided to the many initiatives all over the world that encourage gender equality in the workplace. Throughout the world, Legrand has an active policy to promote diversity at work, for example through the signature by several subsidiaries of the “Women’s Empowerment Principles” charter.


Offering opportunities to those at the start of their career


Because the company’s wealth is based on its employees, Legrand seeks to diversify the profiles of the talents who support its growth.

The Group intends to offer new generations the opportunity to acquire solid skills by offering them an immersive experience in the world of work, thus helping to develop the employability of people at the start of their career.

To achieve this, Legrand is committed to offering 4000 new opportunities each year in the form of internships, work-study contracts and temporary or permanent contracts.

Promoting the inclusion of disabled persons


Legrand has long been committed to the integration of disabled workers into the company. Access to work, job retention, adaptation of work stations: the challenge is to promote equal opportunities on a daily basis by better acknowledging diversity in human resources management. The Group has signed a manifesto for the inclusion of disabled persons in economic life, a real charter of operational commitments for inclusion. Each year, initiatives such as taking part in the European Week for the Employment of Disabled Persons (SEEPH) are growing in number to raise awareness and provide training on this topic.


Fighting discrimination related to sexual orientation and gender identity


Since 2019, the inclusion of LGBT+ persons has been one of the five pillars of Legrand's diversity and inclusion policy. This reinforces the Group's commitment against all forms of discrimination, particularly those related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The latest action, initiated by employees themselves, is the creation of the Legrand Rainbow network. As homophobia in the workplace is still a taboo subject, this international network, supported by the Group, gives everyone the possibility to express themselves and their diversity within the company, so they can simply be themselves!

Encouraging intergenerational collaboration

Legrand wants to promote the exchange of experiences and mutual growth between generations. The Group also wants to make use of the knowledge and soft skills of experienced workers and help them to pass on their skills. At the same time, it seeks to contribute to the training of young people and to their integration into the job market via the apprenticeship opportunities offered by the Group.

Promoting ethnic and racial diversity

Social and cultural diversity is at the heart of Legrand’s Diversity Policy as it mirrors society and the Group’s customers. This diversity makes us better able to design responses to their needs and expectations. The challenge is to facilitate discussions and support the most vulnerable. The Group is also committed to fighting against all forms of racism in all of its subsidiaries.


The Legrand spirit, throughout the world, is a commitment to protecting the health of each employee and promoting health and safety at work. The satisfaction and well-being of all are also a constant concern.

Promoting a work culture that respects and values each employee

The safety, health and well-being of teams in the workplace are priority objectives for Legrand. This includes controlling occupational risks, monitoring prevention and implementing a continuous improvement approach. Legrand is committed to respecting human rights in all countries where the Group operates and, where appropriate, to remedying any violation of employees' rights. In addition, the Group listens to the needs of all its employees, in particular through regular engagement surveys.


Legrand in action: improving lives by guaranteeing social protection

Throughout its history, Legrand has been committed to ensuring security and protection for each of its employees, to give them peace of mind at work. At the end of 2017, this commitment led to the launch of the Serenity On program, a global initiative aimed at guaranteeing Group employees a minimum level of social protection, wherever they are.


As tomorrow’s success depends on the satisfaction of our employees today, the Group is attentive to their needs by giving them the opportunity to express themselves through engagement surveys that are carried out regularly.

This global engagement survey gives all Group employees the chance to freely express their perception of their job satisfaction and touches on 14 different topics. Its aim is to measure the employees’ sense of belonging and enables managers to understand and improve the experience of employees both at Group level and in their working environment.

The second edition of this survey within the Group enjoyed a high participation rate, with 79% of employees responding to the survey.


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