Our ambition
To ensure sustainable and responsible growth, we are adopting best practices and applying them to all our activities on a daily basis.
We respect our employees and listen to all our stakeholders throughout our value chain.
As a responsible business, we act in an exemplary manner towards all our stakeholders, both in-house and external, in accordance with a business ethics policy which applies to the whole Group. We promote a working culture that respects and values every employee and we make sure our suppliers adhere to the same standards as us.
To ensure sustainable and responsible growth, we are adopting best practices and applying them to all our activities on a daily basis.
We respect our employees and listen to all our stakeholders throughout our value chain.
Group Training Manager
The health, safety and well-being at work of our teams are priority objectives for us. This includes managing occupational hazards, monitoring prevention and implementing a continuous improvement process.
We also intend to guarantee every employee a minimum threshold of social protection. Finally, we listen to the needs of all our employees, particularly through engagement surveys.
Because developing the skills of our teams and their employability are priorities, we are committed to training our employees every year and to help them improve their skills.
To ensure business ethics, we train those employees who are likely to encounter risky situations. We are committed to respecting Human rights in all the countries where we operate, involving our value chain, including our key suppliers, into our approach.
Being a responsible company is now a reality on the ground, and is concrete and measurable. Learn how we are living out our commitments.
Legrand intends to guarantee minimum social protection for all Group employees. This is the aim of the Serenity On programme launched in 2017. Since 2021, the programme has also covered, in addition to health insurance and National Insurance, well-being at work. Every employee, regardless of the country they live in and their seniority, must be able to benefit from concrete actions related to physical and mental well-being. The challenge is to allow everyone to work in complete serenity.
Derived from the Japanese concept of immersive learning, Safety Dojos are rooms used for workplace health & safety actions. Legrand has already rolled these out in several countries, notably in Turkey, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, China and France.
With the signing of the Supplier Code of Conduct, CSR evaluations, and the implementation of action plans and on-site audits, Legrand strongly encourages its suppliers to engage in a continuous improvement approach, thereby helping to mitigate the risks of non-compliance with local and/or international regulations regarding working hours, health and safety rules, and the risk of forced or child labor.
This is the overall employee engagement rate of the Group in our latest engagement survey, to which 82% of employees responded. Among them, 87% of Legrand employees believe that the company cares about their health and safety. As for training, 82% of respondents consider it to be appropriate. .