CSR performance

Following Legrand's CSR progress

Legrand's non-financial results show the Group's main CSR achievements and the progress of its CSR roadmap. They are published annually.

An organized reporting process

The progress made against the CSR roadmap objectives, is monitored through an organized reporting process of non-financial data. It involves both the entities and countries, which are directly responsible for producing the data, and the functional departments and Strategic Business Units (SBUs)*, which are responsible for collecting and analyzing this data. The CSR Department is responsible for consolidating the data and reporting on the progress made on the CSR roadmap. The Universal Registration Document makes it possible to highlight good practices and share them within the Group.

Audited information

In accordance with regulations, CSR information published each year by Legrand in its DPEF* is reviewed by one of the Group's Statutory Auditors, who has been appointed as an Independent Third Party (ITP).

In the interests of transparency, Legrand, in response to regulatory obligations to certify the presence of CSR information, has decided to go even further. Thus, since 2015, the Group has been practicing a voluntary approach to certifying information on all the priorities of its CSR roadmap. This approach is an additional guarantee of Legrand's willingness and ability to provide reliable and qualified CSR information.

*DPEF 'Déclaration de Performance Extra-Financière' Non-Financial Performance Declaration

Progress of the CSR roadmap and non-financial results

Legrand's non-financial results are published annually. Since 2015 Legrand has published an integrated report which presents the Group's strategy, governance and performance, and the environment in which it operates, all from the perspective of short, medium and long-term value creation.

Moreover, non-financial performance is a significant component of the remuneration of Legrand’s executives and decision-makers (CEO, members of the Management Committee, country managers, SBU managers, etc.).

Follow Legrand's non-financial performance

2024 non-financial results

0.8 Mo


2023 non-financial results

0.87 Mo


2022 Non-financial results

1.14 Mo


2021 non-financial results

0.39 Mo


2020 non-financial results

0.41 Mo


2019 non-financial results

0.36 Mo


2018 non-financial results

0.75 Mo


Recognition of our performance

Legrand’s non-financial performance is recognised and rewarded by international ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) indexes and ratings.

Perf RSE



Legrand and the SDGs

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