Integrated report 2015

Legrand’s history is closely linked to the technological and social changes experienced by the building industry over the past several decades.

Over the past years, each one of us has seen the formidable acceleration of these changes, which have made recent societal and technological megatrends — environmental protection, the extension of the life expectancy, rapid increase in the fl ow of data and more generally the digitalization — major levers for the transformation of man’s relationship with his environment.

These developments are also changing users’ relationship with our products. We are therefore convinced that new technologies, especially digital ones, signifi cantly increase the value-in-use of our products for users. This is why we have decided to speed up our investments in this area: innovation, acquisitions, signing of strategic partnerships, and many technological alliances.

This positioning of Legrand, responsive to the major global developments, makes not only legitimate, but natural the Group’s social responsibility approach, initiated many years ago within our teams across the world.

Given that our development can only be sustainable if it respects all of our stakeholders, I am convinced that the full ability of our operations to create value results from a combination of fi nancial and non fi nancial performance.

The purpose of this fi rst integrated report is thus to present our strategy, our governance and our performance, as well as the environment in which we operate, with a view to creating value in the short, medium and long term.

Also, this fi rst integrated report is part of a proactive approach that draws on the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

Our wish is that this document, as a complement to our other publications, provides information on our Group’s capacity to fully seize opportunities in its business in a sustainable, responsible and profi table manner


Gilles Schnepp,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Integrated report 2015

2.09 Mo



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