Serving our customers

Putting our customers at the heart of our action

It is essential to make our customers our primary concern if we are to meet their expectations.

Our ambition

Regardless of the customer or user profile, whether distributor, installer, architect, panel builder or end consumer, our goal is to offer products that meet their needs and are sustainable and eco-friendly. The major changes affecting all sectors of the building and construction industry mean that we have to pay even greater attention to customer satisfaction.



« We aim is to seek to improve their experience at every stage of their journey. »

Jérôme Boissou

Global CX Program Leader

Measuring, understanding, and following up on customer satisfaction

Our customers’ satisfaction is our priority and we measure it regularly. The CSAT (Customer Satisfaction score) indicator, which evaluates a customer's satisfaction and loyalty at a given moment, and the NPS (Net Promoter Score), allow us to track the evolution of their relationship with the brand.

in addition, we also conduct relationship surveys and satisfaction studies. Administered “ on the spot”, these surveys enable us to more accurately assess our customers’ experience.



Offering solutions that improve energy efficiency

We design equipment that improves the energy efficiency of buildings, allowing users to reduce their energy consumption, and thus avoid CO2 emissions (Scope 4), for both residential and commercial buildings. For datacenters, whose ecological footprint is constantly increasing, we offer for example innovative cooling solutions that improve their energy efficiency.

Providing environmental information on our products

Since a building's environmental footprint is closely linked to its design, we give as much information as possible to our customers or end users about the environmental impact of our offer, through Product Sustainability Profiles. A reliable and recognised tool, the PEP (Product Environmental Profile) is a standardised document providing detailed information about the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle.

We are living out our commitments

Being a customer-focused company is now a reality on the ground for Legrand, it is concrete and measurable. Learn how we are living out our commitments.

Legrand increasingly popular with its customers

The customer satisfaction survey carried out in 2024 with 400,000 Legrand customers in 77 countries showed a 7-point increase in the NPS (Net Promoter Score). With a score of 51 in 2024 versus 44 in 2023, this index shows a very positive evolution the Legrand brand.


With Best of Us, improving the customer experience

Convinced that customer satisfaction drives profitable and sustainable performance for the Group and boosts employee commitment, in 2018 Legrand launched a multi-annual programme aimed at improving customer experience. Best of Us consists of placing the customer at the heart of the business and at the forefront of our teams’ concerns, to ensure we can offer the user a positive experience at every stage of their journey.


Thanks to Legrand’s energy-efficient offers, millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions have been avoided



+143% of Group sales covered by a PEP (Product Environmental Profile) between 2011 and 2024



Find the whole of our 2025-2027 road map