The market for electrical installations for serviced elderly residences and care and nursing homes is constantly growing. With its specialist brands Intervox, Tynetec and Neat, Legrand is a key global provider for assisted living solutions from home care solutions through to telecare and telehealth solutions and networked systems for nursing homes.
Assistance with independent living: a sustainable development priority for legrand
Our strategy: developing dedicated products
To support people suffering from a loss of independence, Legrand develops products that guarantee the safety of vulnerable people. These assisted living solutions offer simplified access to a building's systems. They also facilitate relations with the social environment. The aim is to allow users to stay in their own home longer, keeping them and those around them safe and secure.

Preventing falls
Trips and falls can frequently lead to critical injuries for the older generation. Dark areas represent a particular hazard; however, skirting lights, switches with a luminous crown, presence sensors, automatic switches and illuminated trunking provide a simple and effective way of reducing this risk.

Telecare with Tynetec
Telecare is a service that helps to support and enhance the opportunity for people to continue to live in their own home and/or maintain an independent lifestyle with the appropriate level of carer support. For today’s telecare users, they can be assured of total peace of mind, knowing that help is always available, 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.
An at home alarm unit (such as the Tynetec Reach) is plugged into a telephone line and the user is provided with a personal pendant (such as the Tynetec Touch). Once pressed the call is automatically forwarded to a monitoring centre, family member or friend who can then assess the situation and provide the necessary care and support.

Alerting and limitting consequences
To allow older people to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible, it’s important to secure living places extensively. Detectors can be fitted that not only trigger alarms in the event of gas, fire and water related emergencies, but also cut off the appropriate supply automatically in each case.

The new digital carephone developed by neat
Presentation of our new digital telecare terminal designed from beginning to end in an intelligent way and where the technology is at the service of the healthcare sector and offer more independence and security to elderly people.
Neat’s Telemedcare

Neat’s TeleMedCare health monitor measures key vital parameters such as pulse frequency, blood pressure or blood-sugar levels accurately and reliably and transmits this information via the internet.
Pill dispenser

Designed to provide an effective medication management solution that can be monitored by a telecare system.