Shopping centers

Responding to economical and environmental challenges

In a context of rapid globalisation and increasingly complex projects, the support of a reliable, competent partner is absolutely essential. Choosing the Legrand Group means the assurance of global expertise available at any time, throughout the world, via its network of professionals. A vast choice of carefully designed products make up solutions which in turn form coherent systems incorporating the latest technological innovations.

Optimised safety

CCTV security

CCTV security

Legrand offers complete solutions for displaying, recording and analysing information relating to the building. The implementation of high quality solutions requires a reliable bandwidth.

Electrical distribution

Dry-type transformers up to 20 VMA

Dry-type transformers up to 20 VMA

Legrand low loss dry-type transformers cause less pollution and are more economical than conventional transformers, and provide a reduction in electricity consumption that can reach 20% when in operation.

Small shops and fast food outlets

Solutions for centralised management of a shop

Solutions for centralised management of a shop

Touch screens with innovative, user-friendly control interfaces can be used for centralised control of the shop’s lighting system, roller blinds and sound system.

Parking area

Eclairage des parties communes

Lighting of communal areas

Sarlam products are designed for areas that require powerful lighting. They are very robust: resistant to weather, impact, dust, and humidity.


Departement stores

UPS (Uninterruptible power supply)

UPS (Uninterruptible power supply)

Legrand UPS stand out with their innovative technology and excellent reliability. The Trimod HE range provides power between 10 and 60 KVA. Its compact structure is ideal for medium sized shops. The fully modular design of TRIMOD HE UPS enables each power module to be programmed to obtain the required I/O configuration.



Building management

The key applications of a superstore can be incorporated in a supervision system: status of the emergency lighting, lighting control, control of shutters, display of energy consumption, HVAC control and alarm status.

LCS3 : 3 dimensions of excellence, scalability and efficiency

LCS3 System offers copper and fiber global solutionsfor structured cabling bothin DATA center and LAN, with the highest level of performance. 

Emergency lighting

Standalone or addressable solutions for evacuating people quickly and safely.

> Find out more

Céliane & Artéor

Céliane & Artéor

Innovative wiring accessories improve the “customer experience”.

> Find out more

Shopping centers

Integrate solutions.

1.8 Mo



about the legrand group

Finance corner

World presence