Integrated Report 2017

What are the highlights of 2017?

In 2017, Legrand achieved double-digit growth in its main fi nancial indicators, with in particular a growth of +10.0% in sales and of +12.9% in adjusted operating profi t. We have also recorded a CSR roadmap achievement rate of 122%. The Group therefore fully met its targets for the year.

These good results refl ect the renewed acceleration in our growth drivers. They are a further demonstration of the strength of the Group’s development model and its ability to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders.

In early 2018, there was also a change in the Group’s governance with the permanent separation of the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Offi cer. This is in line with best governance practice and will ensure that Legrand’s development continues on the best possible terms.

What is your medium-term vision for Legrand?

Legrand will continue to evolve, driven in particular by the technological and social changes that have a lasting and profound impact on buildings: digitalization , longer life expectancy and the growing desire of seniors to stay in their homes for as long as possible, the need to control energy consumption, growing urbanization, etc.

The Group intends to capitalize on these “megatrends” to continue its profi table and sustainable growth based on its historical and solid fundamentals: a clear strategy, a double (organic and external) growth driver , a permanent innovation approach with, in particular, increasingly digital off ers aimed at increasing the value in use of our products for our customers and for users, a well-recognized fi nancial discipline, and a unique corporate culture based on responsibility, the simplicity of our contacts, the speed of decision making, and strong values!

There is also no denying that the Group’s development is only possible when we listen to and respect our stakeholders. That, in turn, has led us – for many years now – to formalize , deploy and measure our CSR strategy, which is a basis for our development.

How important is it for you to present Legrand through the integrated report?

Legrand has more than 37,000 employees worldwide and is present in nearly 90 countries. It therefore seemed appropriate that we prepare this integrated report, now in its third year, to summarize the Group’s governance, overall performance, and the environment in which it operates, all with a view to value creation in the short, medium and long term.

This integrated report is based on the framework defi ned by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and it comes as a supplement with our other publications. It charts the Group’s ability to make the most of opportunities for value creation in a sustainable, responsible and profi table manner.


Benoît Coquart,
Chief Executive Officer

2017 Integrated Report

1.24 Mo


World presence

Finance corner

Fondation Legrand