The Legrand Foundation

The Legrand Foundation: generating independence

The Legrand Foundation was launched in March 2014, with the aim of combating exclusion related to a loss of independence and electrical poverty, and promoting education and employment in the electrical sector.

It was the first foundation created under the aegis of the FACE foundation, a non-profit anti-exclusion organisation.

It is at the heart of Legrand’s social responsibility.

« Because we are pioneers in the field of assisted living. Because energy efficiency and electrical safety are our priorities. Because as a leader we consider that we have a part to play in education and employment in the electrical sector.

We want to take action in the Legrand Foundation to empower:

  • those who are isolated due to a loss of independence,
  • those who cannot meet their energy costs or whose insecure situation compromises their electrical safety,
  • those most in need of support for training and access to employment in the electrical sector.

Setting up the Legrand Foundation is one of the responses to the Legrand Group's social commitment. Because our mission as an essential player in the electrical sector is also to combat poverty. So that no-one gets left behind. »

Benoît Coquart,
Legrand CEO

Combating exclusion and electricity poverty

The aim of the Legrand Foundation is to help those who are excluded or discriminated against by using the Legrand Group's know-how and solutions. It thereby wishes to assist:

  • those who are isolated due to a loss of independence
  • those who can no longer meet their energy costs or whose difficult financial situation is affecting their electrical safety
  • those most in need of support for training and access to employment in the electrical sector

Four areas

The Legrand Foundation operates in four areas:


Loss of independence 

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Electricity poverty





In each of these areas, the Foundation initiates or supports simple, local initiatives rooted in the fabric of French communities. These actions are all consistent with Legrand's business activity, and involve Group employees.

Legrand Foundation


"So that no-one gets left behind."

Benoît Coquart

Legrand CEO

Key figures

million people in France are living in a dependency situation

million people in France are living in energy poverty

million dwellings in France carry an electrical risk

Over 100 000 young people train for electricity-related jobs each year

A sheltered foundation

The Legrand Foundation, was the first foundation created under the aegis of the Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion (FACE), a non-profit organisation.

Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion (FACE) is a non-profit organisation created in 1993 at the initiative of 16 major Groups and is chaired by Gérard Mestrallet. It encourages social and societal engagement of the economic fabric within territories.

Thanks to its network of local associations, it now involves more than 5,650 companies, both large corporations and SMEs, and has become the first network of companies in France to focus on CSR, integration, education and access to services.

Une fondation abritée - FACE


Our CSR approach


Legrand and the SDGs