In 2017 Legrand once again demonstrated its capacity to create lasting value for all stakeholders.

2017 Integrated performance

Over €5.5bn in total sales in 2017

33 %
of 2017 sales came from the North and Central America region

Over 38% of 2017 sales(1) came from new business segments(2)

(1)based on 2017 sales, including 12 months of acquisitions made in 2017.
(2)Energy efficiency, digital infrastructures, assisted living and home systems

122% : Average achievement of CSR targets at year-end 2017 (3)

(3) CSR 2014-2018 roadmap.

Established in nearly 90 countries

Products sold in nearly 180 countries

Over 37,000 employees

Over 90 product families, including over 30 families of connected products

2017 Financial Performance

Sales (in € million)

Adjusted operating profit* (in € million)

*Operating profit adjusted for amortization and depreciation of revaluation of assets at the time of acquisitions and for other P&L impacts relating to acquisitions and, where applicable, for impairment of goodwill.

2017 net sales by region

Net income excluding minority interests (in € million)

€567M in 2016 end €626M in 2017*

* Adjusted net profit attributable to the Group for 2016 and 2017. Adjusted net profit attributable to the Group does not take into account the net favorable effects of significant non-recurring gains and expenses resulting from announced changes in corporate taxation, primarily in France and in the United States. These net favorable effects are adjusted as they do not reflect an underlying performance.

Free Cash flow (in €M)

Investors and Shareholders Area

Find out more

2017 Non-financial performance

Progress on 2014-2018 CSR roadmap

(achievement rates for 2017 targets)


0 %50 %100 %150 %USER | 104%SOCIETY | 120%EMPLOYEES | 135%ENVIRONMENT | 139%

Environnemental data

% of sales representing products with a PEP, Product Environmental Profile

Beneficiaries of access to electricity initiatives (in millions)

Total number of people directly or indirectly affected by Electricians Without Borders projects backed by Legrand since 2007

Share of waste recovered (in %)

Frequency of workplace accidents

Number of accidents x 1 000 000/number of hours worked

Stock Market indicators

Dividend per share (in €)

1.26 € in 2017*

* Subject to approval by shareholders at the General Meeting on May 30, 2018

Capital structure as at December 31, 2017

*Managers, former managers and employees who currently exercise or previously exercised functions in the Group.

Indicateurs boursiers

dividend per share in 2017

* Subject to approval by shareholders at the General Meeting on May 30, 2018

Payout rate in 2017

*Based on the adjusted net profit attributable to the Group

Learn more about Legrand


« Legrand continues to grow, driven by technological and societal trends that have a lasting and profound impact on buildings. »

Benoît Coquart

Chief Executive Officer

2017 Facts and Figures

8.31 Mo


2017 Registration document

2.2 Mo


Our solutions

Finance corner

World presence

Our CSR approach