Legrand and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Integrate the economic, environmental and social components of sustainable development in a balanced way

Following the United Nations Rio +20 conference on sustainable development in 2012, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the Rio +20 declaration called for the definition of universal goals that would integrate the economic, environmental and social components of sustainable development in a balanced way.

17 Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2020 (SDGs) were adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 and came into force on 1st January 2016.


Goals in line with Legrand CSR

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals have a global scope. Legrand integrated them as part of its CSR strategy, demonstrating its desire to address these objectives as well. 

Key figure

17 objectives




The 15 priorities in 2022-2024 Legrand CSR roadmap contribute to 10 of the 17 SDGs set out by the UN for a better and more sustainable future for all.
Click on the + below each SDG to access the actions implemented by Legrand.












10 - Reduced inequalities


Sustainable Development Goal: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Gender diversity

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve a level of 30 % of management positions filled by women

‘Diversity & Inclusion’ labelling

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve a level of 80% of the workforce working at an entity holding the ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ label

Diversity and inclusion among suppliers

2022-2024 Goal
-    Develop 200 additional businesses with suppliers qualified as 'Diversity & Inclusion'

11 - Sustainable cities and communities


Sustainable Development Goal: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Use of recycled materials

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve a 15 % recycled plastics use rate and 40% recycled metals use rate in products manufactured by the Group

2030 Target
-    Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

Phase out single-use plastic

2022-2024 Goal
-    Eliminate 100% of single-use plastic in flow pack and expanded polystyrene packaging

2030 Target
-    Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

Environmental declarations

2022-2024 Goal
-    Cover 72% of the Group’s annual sales with Product Sustainable Profiles

2030 Targer
-    Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

12 - Responsible consumption and production


Sustainable Development Goal: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Use of recycled materials

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve a 15 % recycled plastics use rate and 40% recycled metals use rate in products manufactured by the Group

2030 Target
Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

Phase out single-use plastic

2022-2024 Goal
-    Eliminate 100% of single-use plastic in flow pack and expanded polystyrene packaging

2030 Target
Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

Environmental declarations

2022-2024 Goal
-    Cover 72% of the Group’s annual sales with Product Sustainable Profiles

2030 Target
-    Achieve 80% of our sales with eco-responsible solutions

13 - Climate action


Sustainable Development Goal: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

CO2 emissions avoided for our customers

2022-2024 Goal
-    Thanks to the Group’s Energy Efficiency solutions, enable our customers to avoid the emission of 12 million tonnes of CO2

Direct and indirect CO2 emissions (scopes 1 & 2)

2022-2024 Goal
-    Reduce the Group’s CO2 emissions within scopes 1 and 2 by 10% each year through energy efficiency improvements at our manufacturing sites and renewable energy deployment

2030 Target
Reduce carbon emissions related to our own activities by 50% and carbon emissions in our value chain by 15%

Indirect CO2 emissions (scope 3)

2022-2024 Goal
-    Encourage at least 250 key suppliers to have an official CO2 emission reduction target of 30% on average by 2030

2030 Target
-    Reduce carbon emissions in our value chain by 15%

17 – Partnerships for the goals


Sustainable Development Goal: evitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Customer satisfaction 

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve 90 % of sales made to satisfied customers (satisfaction surveys)

Business ethics/compliance

2022-2024 Goal
-    Supervise, provide training and ensure compliance in relation to the Group’s commitments in the area of business ethics

3 - Good health and well-being


Sustainable Development Goal: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Safe workplace

2022-2024 Goal
Reduce the workplace accident frequency rate by 20 % (FR2)

Expanded social coverage 

2022-2024 Goal
Expand the Serenity On program to cover 100% of employees

4 - Quality education


Sustainable Development Goal: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Business ethics/compliance 

2022-2024 Goal
-    Supervise, provide training and ensure compliance in relation to the Group’s commitments in the area of business ethics
Employability and skills development 

Employability and skills development 

2022-2024 Goal
Provide training for 85 % of employees each year and attain 7 hours of annual training for each employee

5 - Gender equality


Sustainable Development Goal: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Gender diversity 

2022-2024 Goal
-    Achieve a level of 30 % of management positions filled by women

2030 targets
-    Achieve gender parity across the Group’s workforce
-    Women in 1/3 of key positions

7 - Affordable and clean energy


Sustainable Development Goal: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

CO2 emissions avoided for our customers

2022-2024 Goal
-    Thanks to the Group’s Energy Efficiency solutions, enable our customers to avoid the emission of 12 million tonnes of CO2

Direct and indirect CO2 emissions (scopes 1 & 2) 

2022-2024 Goal
-    Reduce the Group’s CO2 emissions within scopes 1 and 2 by 10% each year through energy efficiency improvements at our manufacturing sites and renewable energy deployment

2030 Target
-    Reduce carbon emissions related to our own activities by 50% and carbon emissions in our value chain by 15%

8 - Decent work and economic growth


Sustainable Development Goal: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

What Legrand does:

Action Indicateurs

Employability of Early-in-careers

2022-2024 Goal
-    Offer 4,000 new opportunities to Early-in-careers each year

Diversity and inclusion among suppliers

2022-2024 Goal
-    Develop 200 additional businesses with suppliers qualified as 'Diversity & Inclusion'


World presence

Working @ Legrand

Our CSR approach

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