Promoting diversity and inclusion

Cultivating and accepting all differences

In order to offer everyone the same opportunities to grow, reach their potential and succeed within the Group, whatever their difference, we are building inclusive working environments, encouraging gender diversity, and we try to achieve a diverse range of profiles.

Our ambition

Convinced that diversity drive innovation, performance, well-being and attractiveness, we have, for many years, focused on tools that promote inclusion.

Our ambition is to create a working environment in which every Legrand employee, whatever their difference, feels recognised and valued, so they can bring their skills to the table.

“Our ambition is to ensure that every individual can reach their full potential in the Group.”

Jane White

Legrand Chief Diversity & Engagement Officer

Building inclusive environments

We are creating an inclusive working environment for all Legrand employees to make sure that every individual is in their place and feels their skills are valued. We take action against all forms of discrimination, and are committed to promoting diversity in all its forms, whether respecting professional equality, ethnic representation, integrating people with disabilities, intergenerational collaboration, the inclusion of LGBT+ people or even the integration of social, cultural and ethno-racial diversity.

Encouraging gender diversity in the workplace

We encourage gender diversity in every discipline. By offering men and women the same employment conditions, we aim to improve female representation throughout the company. We also undertake to guarantee professional equality in all our HR processes. We offer the same employment conditions upon hiring and are working to reduce the salary gaps.

Promoting a diverse range of profiles

We are also keen to diversify the profiles of the talents working within Legrand. To reflect better the diversity of the communities in which we live and work, we aim to increase the representation of under-represented populations. We are paying particular attention to the younger generations, especially in talent identification, and are trying to encourage experience sharing with more experienced colleagues.

Integrating our ecosystem in our approach

We share our CSR commitments with our stakeholders and make them aware of good practice regarding inclusion. Diversity is thus part of the criteria we take into account when selecting our suppliers.

We are living out our commitments

At Legrand, supporting and encouraging diversity and inclusion is more than just words: it involves actions on the ground, that are concrete and measurable. Learn how we are living out our commitments.

Networks to promote inclusion

Legrand relies on several internal inclusion networks. These networks include international networks such as Ellegrand or LegrandRainbow, as well as local networks like the Black Professional Network in the United States. All created at the initiative of Legrand employees, they cover a variety of diversity topics.


Fighting against discrimination towards LGBT+ people

By signing up in 2022 to the UN’s standards to fight against discrimination towards LGBT+ people (UN Standards of Conduct for Business), Legrand has restated its commitment to the human rights of LGBT+ employees, customers and suppliers, and also to preventing and eliminating all forms of discrimination towards them in the workplace.


Diversity, a criterion for selecting our suppliers

Since 2019, diversity has been part of the CSR criteria taken into account when selecting Legrand’s suppliers. Since 2022, the Group has specifically targeted suppliers working to promote diversity and inclusion; those with recognised inclusive company status, a label, a public policy or concrete action in this area.


GEEIS label – Diversity: 22 new entities awarded the label in 2024

In 2024, 22 new Legrand entities were awarded the GEEIS-Diversity (Gender Equality European & International Standard-Diversity) label, bringing to 60 the number of entities with the label worldwide. This distinction recognises the progress made by the Group over the years in terms of diversity, professional equality and inclusion.


Find the whole of our 2025-2027 Roadmap


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