Legrand considers that its responsibility is to contribute to the life of the territories in which it operates, not only through its activity, but also where needs are expressed and where the Group is legitimate.
Respecting and being involved communities
Getting involved in solidarity initiatives
Because electricity is an essential factor in the development of populations, Legrand considers that, as a global specialist in electrical and digital infrastructures for buildings, it has a responsibility to help as many people as possible all over the world to enjoy sustainable access to electricity, and to take action against energy poverty. In addition to this commitment, Legrand seeks to involve in philanthropic activities that are close to its knowledge and drivers, namely: support aging or disabled people (assisted living), combat electricity poverty and exclusion, access to employment and education.
This responsibility is implemented through a policy of charitable projects deployed on three levels:
- The Group's special partnership with NGO Electriciens sans frontières since 2007, to allow the greatest possible number of people to enjoy access to electricity, particularly in the context of development aid and emergency aid;
- The Legrand Foundation, created in 2014 under the aegis of the FACE foundation to fight against exclusion and energy poverty;
- actions by the Group's subsidiaries, defined according to local needs and in line with Group’s focus detailed above.
Key figures
15 % of the world’s population does not have modern access to electricity
(source : International Energy Agency)
3 billion people depend on wood, coal, or animal waste for their cooking and heating
(Source : UN sustainable development goals)
Enabling the greatest possible number of people to enjoy access to electricity
"Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all" is one of the priority sustainable development goals that the UN and its member states are seeking to achieve in 2015 – 2030 (Source).
In order to meet the electricity needs of the largest number of people, Legrand works in conjunction with stakeholders involved in local development. Since 2007, the Group has been a partner of Electriciens sans frontières (Electricians without borders), an international NGO working on developing access to energy for the most impoverished populations.
This partnership involves providing support for long-term development projects (electrification of school or hospital buildings, for example) and providing assistance for emergency humanitarian actions when needed.
Legrand's support for Electriciens sans frontières is implemented by providing financial aid, equipment and expertise.
To date, Legrand has participated in nearly 250 projects alongside Electriciens sans frontières to bring emergency assistance or access to electricity to people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This action has provided approximately 2.9 million people with access to electricity, in nearly 45 countries.
Key figure
2,9 million
that’s how many people have gained access to electricity so far thanks to the joint action of Electriciens sans frontières and Legrand
Électriciens sans frontières, un référent dans le domaine de l’accès à l’électricité
Electriciens sans frontières is an international solidarity Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and non-profit organisation.
Electriciens sans frontières works with the world's most deprived populations to improve their living conditions via initiatives to increase their access to electricity and water.

The Legrand foundation: generating independence
For Legrand, a leading company in the electrical sector, reducing inequality also means empowering people suffering from exclusion, deprivation, or discrimination.
This commitment resulted in the creation of the Legrand Foundation in 2014.
Created under the aegis of Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion (FACE), a registered non-profit organisation, the Legrand Foundation aims to combat exclusion related to a loss of independence and electricity poverty, and to promote education and employment in the electrical sector.
The Legrand Foundation fits into the framework of the 'Legrand Electricity for all' programme, which brings together all of the Group's initiatives aiming to sustainably reduce energy inequalities. It also demonstrates Legrand's desire to drive the whole electrical sector in this direction.
8 million people in France are energy poor
source : INSEE
Growing old happily at home
The Legrand Foundation wishes to assist ageing or dependent persons who are financially insecure, particularly those living in social housing.
To that end, the Legrand Foundation wants to make social housing authorities aware of the issues surrounding loss of independence.
The purpose is, on the one hand, to help them identify ways in which flats can be adapted, and on the other hand to guide them in explaining the benefits of these adaptations to the tenants concerned.

« Bien vieillir chez soi » : un projet pilote de la Fondation Legrand pour accompagner les bailleurs sociaux dans le domaine de la perte d'autonomie
Undertaking charitable initiatives locally
Legrand's commitment to providing aid is also evident in charitable projects undertaken at a local level, in the subsidiaries, which aim to foster a close relationship with neighbouring communities around the Group's sites.
These initiatives are undertaken in accordance with the Group's expertise and values.
The choice tends to favour initiatives to combat electricity poverty and exclusion. In addition, initiatives to promote awareness of various disabilities are carried out in many of the Group's subsidiaries, which support organisations supporting access to employment for people with a disability.
USA: The Better Communities Programme
The Better Communities Programme benefits both employees and the communities close to Legrand's sites in the USA by allowing Legrand employees to get involved in meaningful activities.
In accordance with the Group's work, the initiatives involve buildings and improving the habitat of disadvantaged communities.
With a view to increasing the options open to employees and maximising the impact on communities, the programme aims to extend its field of action to schools (Better Schools) whilst preserving the initial emphasis on individual habitats (Better Homes). Within this framework, Legrand sponsors its employees via work days devoted to this programme, as well as employee recognition schemes.
Legrand in India is engaged in various CSR initiatives aimed at local communities, in line with the Group’s corporate sponsorship strategy.
Among these initiatives:
- the "Recognition of Prior Learning" programme which involves training in support of electrical installers to help them upgrade their technical skills and gain increased self-confidence
- the "UGAM - Legrand's scholarship program" scheme, which provides engineering scholarships for the children of Legrand staff in India and affords opportunities for Indian students to come to France for their higher education;
- support to the Aarogee telemedecine centre, enabling inhabitants of rural areas to access remote medical consultations
- emergency aid provided immediately after the floods which affacted Kerala state on India’s tropical Malabar coast.
Legrand in India is currently working on a solar lamp distribution project aimed at villages lacking access to electricity.